
First Post - Playing Illium in Maplestory

Starting up Maplestory as an Illium

I started Maplestory again and created an Illium. The starting area has a fun theme where your Illium is a little magical engineering nerd that gets taken in by their mentor, Agate.

The setting was like a magic school, which reminded me of Harry Potter. Especially when one of the teachers Darius ended up betraying the school and attacking Agate! Rest in peace, Agate. You would’ve loved Dumbledore.

Feeling: Betrayed 😢

Leaving Town

After fleeing, Illium and his classmates escape to Pantheon, where the Nova/dragon people live. They’re met by the guard captain Cartalion who’s immediately suspicious of them and tells them to leave.

Cartalion probably has one of my favorite NPC designs. Too bad he kicked us out.

However, Kaiser (playable dragon warrior guy) intervenes and more nicely leads us to the Interdimensional Portal that connects Pantheon to Maple World.

I think it’s pretty cool how other playable classes like Kaiser can actually be NPCs when you play as other characters. It allows for interesting ways that stories can intertwine. It’s like the MCU but the M stands for Maplestory instead of Marvel, haha.

Anyways, once Illium goes through the portal, the game lets you go wherever.

Riena Strait

I decided to go to Riena Strait, which is the recommended theme dungeon because it gives decent equips that last you for a while. We’re sent there to investigate why the glaciers there were sinking.

The characters there think it’s a Frostwitch named Barbara, but it actually turns out to be the Black Wings, an evil organization in support of the Black Mage. Admiral Martini, the main leader of the operation was making me giggle with how dramatic he was.

Then Frostwitch Barbara then reveals that she was the mother of Riena Strait’s inhabitants. They just didn’t remember it.

Overall, it’s a cute little storyline.

Job Advancement

Shortly after, we reach a job advancement queest. The quest took us to Perion where there were rumors of a crystal gate.

We find it, so the crystal gate opens up where we meet this talking crystal that basically tells us we’re the Chosen One. Again, being called the Chosen One also reminded me of Harry Potter lol. Hooray for tropes!

That about does it for today. It’s been fun leveling this Illium and I’ve been able to progress pretty quickly thanks to the burning event going on. Until next time!