Neopets: Mundane Futures

BouncingBlumaroo’s Backstory
Ever since a young age, BouncingBlumaroo (aka Bouncy) has possessed the ability to see into the future. Unlike other clairvoyants whose visions contained more insightful prophecies, the most exciting prediction Bouncy made was when he foresaw his local baker hosting a 5% discount on bread. Alas, every future he sees into is incredibly dull.
Many of his fellow Marquans grew tired of his antics. The novelty of Bouncy’s precognition wore off quickly when people were getting bored of predictions like, “You will be a few minutes late to work tomorrow because of traffic.” Disgruntled with Maraqua’s lack of enthusiasm for his abilities, Bouncy moved to Brightvale where his knowledge of mundane futures would, hopefully, be more appreciated. But even in Brightvale they were expecting more interesting predictions.
Still, Bouncy remains near the castle where he reads uneventful fortunes for customers who typically leave his shop feeling unimpressed. The townsfolk say it’s a miracle he’s still in business, but nonetheless, he continues to earn his neopoints. Despite his lack of popularity, Bouncy holds onto the hope that one day he’ll predict a future that people will look actually look forward to. Although for now, he’s content with his fortune-telling business. After all, not everyone can see into the future the way he can.
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Author’s Note
It was super fun to write that story! I’m not much of a writer, but I do enjoy making characters and their backstories. It’s one of my favorite parts of roleplaying games, and I hope to start making more art and stories for different characters. Maybe I’ll share some on this blog one day. 😊
This pet is based off of a toy I got from a kids meal when Neopets was all the rage and I was super young. I remember playing with that little plastic Blumaroo toy as a little kid and bouncing it around. Sadly, I think I donated it when my family moved. So, I decided to make a Neopet to honor that toy. He’s like an old friend to me. 😄
The toy was from Burger King and looked something like this:

Neopets Lore Inspiration - Maraqua
The inspiration for BouncingBlumaroo’s backstory came to me after reading up on Maraqua’s lore through Jellyneo’s Book of Ages page. There’s a whole treasure trove of lore on Neopets since it’s been around for over 2 decades. Many users make their own stories and art for their Neopets, which also inspired me. There’s even an ongoing newspaper for Neopia called the Neopian Times.
Maraqua itself has pretty interesting lore. It’s an underwater world that was originally destroyed by a curse and then attacked by pirates in the Curse of Maraqua plot. Players were able to participate by either joining the pirate or maraquan team. This happened all the way back in 2005.
I didn’t play Neopets until 2006, but man, I would’ve loved to have participated. Video game events like this that let you actively be part of the game’s world are always exciting to me.
Anyways, just wanted to share my latest obsession with Neopets lore. I hope you are all having a happy 2025. 😎